Bull Shoals
White River State Park
A Day at Bull Shoals White River State Park
The Ozarks are known for forests, mountains, and lakes. However, the lakes are artificial. In the last century, six dams in the White River were built to prevent flooding. And that’s why we wanted to visit one of these dams and reservoirs. The Bull Shoals Dam is the last dam to impound the White River before it continues into the Mississippi River. It was built from 1947 to 1951 to control flooding and generate electricity.
Heritage and Habitat Trail
We started our visit to the visitor center of Shoals-White River State Park to get some maps and information. The center – with a view of the Bull Shoals Dam and Lake – is near where a conveyor belt transported the stones to the dam a little over 70 years ago. We followed the short heritage and habitat trail over a well-maintained path through a forest. The partly buried iron cart along the trail is the only reminder that this was once the dam’s construction site.

Big Bluff Hiking Trail
The Big Bluff Hiking Trail’s hike started at the campsite. In the first part, we walked over the remains of the railroad tram that brought steel and lumber to the constructive dam. Here, we learned that Big Spring is feeding the White River. Every day, 28.9 million gallons of water from Bulls Shoals form an underground stream through the limestone formation and surface here at the White River.
The scenery changed the moment we went uphill. We walked through a colorful forest that occasionally offered views of the White River, the Bull Shoals Dam, and the Ozark Hills.

Lakeside Hiking Trail
Our last hike of the day, the Lakeside Trail, offered a short, scenic trail with a beautiful view over the reservoir. When we drove home, we took a final picture of the dam. With a visit to the visitor center and three hikes, we felt energized by Bull Shoals-White River State Park’s beautiful surroundings.

Monday, October 10, 2022
1.01 mi
3.36 mi
1.02 mi
Moving Time
0:22:20 hrs
1:22:27 hrs
0:27:04 hrs
77-79 °F
light breeze