About Me

"Many Years from Now" Have Arrived!

What to do with the abundance of time? Why not explore the United States? Sounds like a terrific plan, let’s do it! With this in mind, my husband and I moved to the Oregon area in June 2017 to discover this part of the United States in the upcoming seasons.

Being outside makes me happy!

Whether it is strolling through a city, walking for miles on a well-paved path in an urban environment, climbing a steep hill or mountain, or running a 5k, 10k, or half marathon! Being active keeps my body and mind healthy and young. I am busy all year long and enjoy all seasons\’ favorites. Spring when new life starts and blossoming trees are showing off their bright colors. I welcome Summer to feel the warmth on my uncovered head, arms, and legs while a pleasant breeze is blowing! I appreciate Fall because of its abundance of everything; picking and eating the ripened fresh fruits and berries from the trees along the hiking trails, or admiring falls\’ magnificent color palette of warm earthy colors of red, ochre, and brown. Winter shows its magical moment in nature when it is covering the landscape with snow!

My favorite walks, though, are the ones that are the diamonds in disguise or have a great history. Those places anyone hardly knows about or visits. And there are so many here in Oregon!

"A Walk in Nature, Walks the Soul back Home"

"A walk in nature walks the soul back home."

"A walk in nature walks the soul back home."

I love to share my adventures

I love to share my adventures! Sharing it in person, it is a great conversation starter. I also have written many posts of my hikes on FB and in a private blog. My family and friends encouraged me to have my public website when I enthusiastically told them about our new plans to travel as nomads through the US. Or when I showed them my photos!

With their encouragement, I bought the domain name thetravelingtulip.com and started writing posts. So, here I am, still have some catching up to do with all the hiking, walking, and running I have done so far, but I will get there! I also plan to add new posts, photos, and links here and on various social media. When you are reading this, I am always open to new suggestions.

If you have a nice one, don’t hesitate to contact me!

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