George H.W Presidential Library
April 2024
a President's Legacy of Decency
We spent the afternoon at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, learning about President George Bush’s life and legacy. After his death, he was honored by leaders across the political spectrum and worldwide as a man of greatness, decency, and kindness.
Walking through the exhibits, we better understood the challenges President Bush faced and the difficult decisions he had to make. His presidency included the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Kuwait/Iraq war. We also got a glimpse of the family man and the humble person he was.

A Walk Through the Bush Library Grounds
Stepping outside, we wandered through the Barbara Bush Rose Garden, the Presidential Pond, and the Bush family gravesite. The grounds, again, reflected the Bushes’ personalities—a love for modesty and family.

Our visit ended with the sculpture “The Day The Wall Came Down,” depicting horses trampling the Berlin Wall. Today, a piece of the wall symbolizes the end of oppression. In the past, it was a literal wall between democratic Europe and authoritarian Russia. It made me realize that democracy and its inherent freedom should never be taken for granted.
Friday, April 26, 2024
1.43 miles
Moving Time
0:35:34 hours
79.0 °F
cloudy, moderate