Pieter Path
From Leuth to Gennep
Three days later, we were back hiking the Pieter path. Every time, it surprises me that we often arrive at our destination within two or two and a half hours even though the Pieterpad cities are often very remote – probably the reason they still kept their historical beauty!

We walked again close to the German border. Border areas are no man’s land, and we got beautiful panoramic views with wild meadows, meandering streams, lakes, and hamlets with their church towers visible from afar.
Just over the Wylermeer, the trail suddenly began to incline. The Duivelsberg was a steep climb up, and the next 16 km were no different: we went up and down the hills, with each top having panoramic views.

After the Sint-Jansberg, we descended again and arrived at the Meuse river’s basin. While walking the Meuse floodplains, we noticed the ruins of the Genneperhuis hidden in the bushes. The church tower of Gennep thankfully approached rapidly.
After hiking more almost 18 miles, I was happy we could check in at hotel De Kroon in the old city center of Gennep.
Monday, July 25, 2022
17.71 miles
28.50 km
Moving Time
26 °C