Several Walks Along Grayland's Beach
February 2021
It's Wonderful to Be Back!
We landed Saturday, February 20th, at SeaTac after a smooth flight without any delays. Our cat Hemmes behaved perfectly during the long flight. Our DIL picked us up at the airport. It felt great to see and hug her again. We couldn’t embrace our son because he wasn’t home and would fly in the next day.
About a year ago, we left our apartment in Hillsboro, OR, and stayed in Lake Wenatchee and West Seattle for two months before flying back to the Netherlands. We enjoyed exploring the new area from our temporary homes by hiking, walking, driving around, and dining in cozy, locally-owned restaurants and got increasingly excited about making this a permanent way of living in the United States.
Our First Day Back in The USA
Although it was a gray day in Grayland, we went for a beach walk. The Pacific Ocean and the beach were only one mile from our cottage. The Grayland Beach reminded me of the Dutch Waddenzee. Both have expansive stretches of white sandy beaches, mudflats, tidal channels and trenches.

We had skipped our yearly Christmas stay in Katwijk aan de Zee in December. Especially in the wintertime, we like to walk over an empty beach, feeling the wind in our hair and the sand peeling our faces. And especially because we had a jet lag, we welcomed the wind and the rain in our face, and the stroll on the beach.
A Rainy Morning
A rainy day in Grayland. It didn’t stop us from walking on the beach. The Pacific Ocean, the stormy weather, and the beach never get boring.

A Little Sunshine!
A beautiful, bright day today with fewer clouds and the sun showing itself occasionally. The light was amazing, so I was eager to hike to the Pacific Ocean and the beach and take pictures with my camera. I am starting to make one picture a day. It helps me stay focused on the photography classes and practice the theory I am learning. It is fun to do this; I am no longer overwhelmed with all the features my camera offers.
Ofcourse, the Pacific Ocean and the nearby beach provide excellent opportunities helping me to capture beautiful photographs!

Feb 21 - Feb 27
7 times
On average
2.6 miles
Moving Time
On average
1 hour
42-50 °F
sun, rain, clouds