Bed & Breakfast Matanze
February 2023
"Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier."
I traveled with my BFF to Deventer for some special time together. We have known each other since high school (about 45 years now) and have stayed in contact while we went our separate ways. Once a year, we plan a weekend getaway, “just the two of us,” without the spouses to chitchat, hike, visit a museum or enjoy dinner.
I had booked Bed & Breakfast Matanze in Terwolde, near Deventer, not realizing we would stay in the guesthouse of a beautiful 17th-century estate. The estate is from 1630, and its first owner was Piet Hein. Yes, the one who won the Spanish Silver Fleet at Matanzas in Cuba in 1628. He is primarily known for the song “Piet Hein, Piet Hein, his name is small, but his deeds are great … He has won the silver fleet!”
Needless to say, we felt like royalty this time!

Sunday, February 19, 2023
Bed & Breakfast
Bed & Breakfast
Estate Matanza
Deventerweg 10,
7396 AX Terwolde
Its unique history!