Hanseatic Cities Path
SP11 Day Trip A - The Old IJssel Valley - 1
After a day at home getting acclimatized to the Dutch timezone again, we started with a brand-new long-distance walk: the regional path “De Hanzestedenpad” (the Hanseatic Cities Path). This route connects the Dutch historic Hanseatic cities along the IJssel River
We started in Hanseatic City Doesburg and walked half of the SP11 Day Trip A route and stayed the night in Hummelo to celebrate our annual dinner at the hotel restaurant “De Gouden Karper” (The Golden Carp). We are no strangers to this hotel. For this 35th time, we again experienced The Golden Carp’s typical generous hospitality and delicious food in the beautiful restaurant.
The evening flew by, and we noticed how tired we were once we had returned to our room. Jet lag and hiking in cold, rainy, and windy weather for a couple of hours must have helped us to drift off quickly.
SP11 Day Trip A - The Old IJssel Valley - 2
We left hotel “De Gouden Karper” after another extensive Achterhoek breakfast. It was pouring rain, but we were prepared and wore our rain ponchos.Â
The Oude IJssel Valley route runs through Sterrenbos, where we climbed the “Vrange Bult.” This hill may have been a pagan sacrificial site; where there is now a large boulder, there was once a gallows.
The Old IJssel Valley, Hummelo to Doesburg
On top of the hill, we got a beautiful view of Keppel Castle. Keppel Castle is located on a branch of the Oude IJssel. This is what the Oude IJssel river must have looked like before it was mainly canalized. We walked along the river and through the Mulra estate. Seepage water comes up through the soil in this area. We entered Doesburg via the south and had a clear view of the church. The work of art, “Passi d’Oro,” overlooking the Oude IJssel flowing into the IJssel, was made by Roberto Barni in 2006. It originally consisted of three men walking (through Europe). However, the smallest statue was stolen in June 2022. Due to the stormy weather, hardly anyone was outside which allowed me to get some characteristic downtown shots.

30 & 31, 2022
6.62 miles - 10.65 km
8.70 miles - 14.00 km
Moving Time
2:11:56 hours
2:59:48 hours
10 °C - 16 °C
clouds, wind and rain