Lake Wenatchee, WA

Lake Wenatchee (State Park)

Lake Wenatchee, carved by a glacier thousands of years ago, is located only a few hundred yards away from the cottage across the street. The water and beaches were not accessible due to beautiful houses along the shore, each with its own “private, no trespassing “sign. However, our access to the lake was a walking distance away via the south entrance of Lake Wenatchee State Park.

The lake has a beautiful, unique character with several faces. We witnessed a calm lake mirroring the mountains, inviting us to dive into the cold Glacier Peak snowmelt water. However, we also experienced an untamed lake with rough, white-topped waves! We have seen a mesmerizing, colorful lake at early sunrise or sunset at one of our many early bird or nightcap walks.

Ignorance Is Bliss ...

Every walk along the shore was worth every minute! However, sometimes ignorance is bliss. During one of my last virtual walks with my friend, I saw a female walker suddenly stop, seemingly startled by something she saw in the bushes. She mentioned she heard a bear and explained that she had too often seen bears crossing the shoreline early in the morning! Hmm.


14 walks on several days


4.75 miles

Moving Time

1.5 hours


beautiful summer weather