A New Perspective on Lyndon B. Johnson

April 2024

A Change of Heart after Visiting the LBJ Presidential Library

As a young girl growing up in the Netherlands in the 1960s, the Vietnam War dominated the news. The horrifying images on television and the anti-war demonstrations left a lasting impression: I always associated President Johnson with that horrific conflict. However, my visit to the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, TX, changed my perception.

At his library, I learned about Lyndon Baines Johnson’s remarkable promotion from a high school graduate at 16 to a teacher by 20. He became a master politician, known for his ability to compromise and get things done. His domestic agenda was impressive. His Great Society programs focused on education, healthcare, and civil rights are still essential cornerstones in American society today.

Understanding Lyndon B. Johnson 's Legacy

The library houses a fantastic collection of memorabilia from Johnson’s time, including the presidential limousine and numerous letters and documents. It also has replicas of the Oval Office and Lady Bird Johnson’s office on the top floor. This visit reminded me to look beyond one event to understand or define a president’s legacy. LBJ’s record is full of triumphs and failures.

However, it is unquestionable that, as President, he wanted to improve the lives of Americans.


Sunday, April 7, 2024


3.24 miles

Moving Time

1:14:20 hours


79F, sunny, gentle breeze