Pieter Path
From Zeddam to Leuth
The nice part of hiking early in the morning in gloomy weather is having the trails and forests to ourselves. We experienced a serene silence. We noticed the green, shiny leaves; the rain washed away the dust during the night. We climbed the Hulzenberg watch tower, and our reward was a panoramic view in every direction.
The Emmerich bridge over the Rhine did not look that far, which meant we were close to Germany. Indeed, only one mile further, we crossed the border. Some shrubs on the side of the road hid the marker, so we almost missed it. We walked to Hoch-Elten which was a Dutch town between 1945 and 1963! This little town, located at the top of the Elten mountain, gave us also a magnificent view of the Emmerich bridge!

We entered the gate of Gelderland, the area where the river Rhine enters the Netherlands. In middle school, I learned that the Rhine enters the Netherlands at Lobith. However, the flow of the Rhine changed over time, and already for 200 years the Rhine enters our country in the town of Spijk!

At Millingen, we took the ferry to cross the mighty Rhine and continued to Leuth, our destiny for today!
Friday, July 22, 2022
18.46 miles
29.71 km
Moving Time
23 °C
clouds and sun