The Strokes of Frans Hals

February 2024

The Loose Brush of Frans Hals

Frans Hals is the indisputable master of loose brushwork; his bold and expressive painting style set him apart when most artists preferred precision and smooth surfaces. Born in Antwerp and later shaped by Haarlem, Hals’s journey began when his family escaped the Southern Netherlands and joined other refugees seeking hope amidst turmoil.
Little is known about his early career. Hals found his voice as a painter around 30 until his passing in his 80s. In the 18th century, Hals’s brilliance dimmed, and he became less known. In the latter half of the 19th century, with the rise of Impressionism and other art movements celebrating Hals’ loose brushwork, interest in his work grew again. He inspired artists like Vincent van Gogh, who considered Hals a vital influencer in the evolution of artistic expression.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Museumstraat 1,
1071 XX Amsterdam


The Strokes of Frans Hals
(until 9 June 2024)