America The Beautiful

The United States boasts many scenic national parks, monuments, and forests. They can be visited with the “America The Beautiful” Year Pass. It is THE reason my hubby and I explore the United States. After we visited America’s (and the world’s) first national park since 1872, Yellowstone, Wyoming, in 2008, we became hooked on the experience!

We visited 28* national parks fifteen years later (2023). Each park has its unique character, energy, and vibe. For me, It is a spiritual experience to wander through the wilderness.

“Between every two pine trees, there is a door leading to a new way of life. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine into trees.”

— John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist

2008 – Yellowstone National Park, WY Badlands National Park, WY, Mount Rushmore National Monument, SD

Yellowstone National Park, WY

Road Trip 2008 – Day 4 Destination: Yellowstone National Park, WY . We Finally Arrived at Yellowstone National Park, WY Today, we added two new states to the list! We drove through Montana and arrived in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.  On our way to Yellowstone, we visited the “Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument”. This place

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