
Hidden Lake WA

Hiking The Hidden Lake Washington State August 2020 Hidden Lake Trail Because of the expected heat, we stayed close and drove to the popular, short Hidden Lake trail on the other side of Lake Wenatchee. After walking through cedars and ferns and sometimes climbing over massive logs, we reached the small, quiet, serene lake, silently

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Visiting Vancouver, Washington

Whenever we visit our sons in Seattle, we drive by Vancouver, Washington, just across the Columbia River. We never planned to visit, but after after reading an article in the AAA magazine, our curiosity was piqued. Surprisingly, Vancouver started in 1824, it is the oldest city in Washington State, and is therefore steeped with history!

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Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Whenever we visit our sons in Seattle, we drive by Vancouver, Washington, just across the Columbia River. We never planned to visit, but after after reading an article in the AAA magazine, our curiosity was piqued. Surprisingly, Vancouver started in 1824, it is the oldest city in Washington State, and is therefore steeped with history!

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